Maynooth University Logo

My Password

My Password

This page allows you to manage the password for your Maynooth University Logon.

Your Maynooth University Logon is your single account for accessing university resources including Office365 , Moodle , and the eduroam wireless network .

More Information
Change Your Password
Your username, e.g. jbloggs or 19123456
Only the following symbols may be used:
_ - . ! ? * & @ ^ + = < > [ ] { }
Sorry, you can't use the example passwords Passwords must be at least 16 characters long and can contain letters, digits, spaces, and most symbols
Passwords do not match
You must prove you're not a robot
Re-set Your Password
Self Service Password Reset

Users who have enabled self-service password reset can reset their own passwords without needing to contact IT Services.

Register for SSPR

Password Reset Requests

Users who have not registered for self service password reset will need to call in to IT Services with ID to have their password reset.

Password Guidelines


  • Don't share your MU password with anyone
  • Don't re-use your MU password anywhere

You should choose a password that's both memorable, and secure. Good passwords are easy for humans to remember, yet hard for computers to guess. The best strategy is defence in length.

Our password policy only enforces length, but it's best to add in some complexity too, just do it in a way you'll find easy to remember.

egsixteenletters Minimum to meet the requirements
Eg-6teenletters! Adds complexity with mixed case, symbols & digits
1wanderedlonely-as-a-cloud* Long and complex is the ideal!